Danville Museum

of Fine Arts and History

Current Exhibits

"Art as an Act of Devotion"

The Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History is inviting submissions for its winter exhibition, “Art as an Act of Devotion,” which will center on religious and spiritual art and artifacts. DMFAH aims to curate the majority of the exhibit from the local community, showcasing objects representative of diverse religions and spiritual practices. The exhibition aims to illustrate how artistic objects are used to enhance personal connectedness and spiritual practice. We encourage you to submit your contributions through our website here: Devotional Art or Artifact Submission – Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History 

A member’s preview will be held in conjunction with the annual President’s Reception on December 13th. 

Permanent Exhibits

Camilla Williams

Camilla Williams not only overcame racial barriers that limited her opportunities but also became a beacon of hope during the Civil Rights movement. The exhibition serves as a celebration of her 100th birthday and includes a range of programs and performances, commencing in June 2019 at the Museum and various off-site locations throughout the community.

Danville Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame was established by the Danville Museum in 1974 to recognize and honor citizens of the area whose achievements have been outstanding. Specific criterion for election to the Hall of Fame are persons of note who have worked within the area and who by achievement in their respective field have attained national stature as to reflect credit upon themselves and consequently upon Danville and Pittsylvania County.

The Movement: Danville's Civil Rights

The Danville civil rights demonstrations began peacefully late in May 1963 when local civil rights leaders organized demonstrations, sit-ins, and marches to protest segregation in all spheres, but especially in municipal government, employment, and public facilities. As protests accelerated, however, white authorities responded early in June with tough legal stratagems and violence, attacking demonstrators with clubs and fire hoses.

Past Exhibits

Celebrate the Arts! Danville Public Schools Student Art Exhibit

DMFAH will be hosting local students’ art in the Jennings Gallery from the Danville Public School student art exhibit. The show will start May 21, 2024, and will continue until June 5th, 2024. Visit the museum for a day filled with creativity and talent and support our local students as they showcase their amazing artwork. From paintings to sculptures, there will be a wide variety of pieces on display. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the artistic skills of our community. The opening reception will be May 24th at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History. 

Guides: Women from the Danville - Pittsylvania County Area History Exhibit

To celebrate Women’s History Month, the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History is having a special exhibition on women from the Danville⎼Pittsylvania County area whose accomplishments, dedication, dignity, and talent deeply enriched, and helped grow the region. Some of the women highlighted in the exhibit are well known, but others, and their contributions, are not. DMFAH will also be hosting two evening presentations on women featured in the exhibit. It is anticipated that the exhibit will expand into an annual display to highlight other women, and their contributions, each March. 

Black Culture: Past, Present, and Future Art Exhibition

As a way to celebrate and honor Black History Month and highlight the many African American artists in the Dan River Region, Black Culture: Past, Present and Future will explore African American life and culture across time through artistic expression. The show will encompass diverse media such as painting, drawing, and photography. Four well-known, local Black artists will be highlighted in the exhibit, along with other local African American artists at various stages of their careers.

Marsh Legacy

From September, 1971 to October, 2022, professor Robert Marsh taught, advised and led his art students to discover and develop their artistic talents. This exhibit follows the popular Marsh Retrospective exhibit which concludes September 17. The Legacy exhibit opens October 8 with a reception at the Danville Museum at 3:00 p.m. This reception and exhibit are free and open to the public. Come join us to view over 50 years of work by students of artist/instructor Robert Marsh, beloved professor at Averett University and resident of Danville.

Stay Connected

Submit Your Devotional Art or Artifact for an Exhibit Today!

Submit your religious or spiritual art and artifacts for the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History’s December exhibition. The form is open until November 7, 2024, at 4:00 PM, and selected contributors will be notified via email.

The DMFAH will be CLOSED Saturday, Jan 11th due to Inclement Weather

There will be no yoga or meditation classes this weekend.